by @themadamez
Exploring the Shot
A story about instantaneous inspiration on set with local videographer Kent Kessinger.
by @themadamez
If you look around, you'll find that our prices are competitive and that we offer more art for your buck in terms of the professional creativity that goes into our videos.
It can cost from $5,000-$10,000 for low budget music video productions or up to $100-200K or even $300K on a high end." ~ Adjust Production Blog
Fees are usually per production day. Most production companies do 10-12 hour long film shoots, are extremely costly, and frankly these long days are unhealthy for the crew and the musicians who are starring in the production.
As an Italian-American, I think my fellow Americans have it all wrong. People simply don't produce good work after 6 hours. We strain our bodies and minds to create work we'll just have to undo later on. I used to do 8-10 hour film shoots, but we all (me, my crew, the cast, & the clients) would get grumpy and too tired to make good decisions after the 6 hour mark. Why push it? Making a music video is a special moment in your career. It should be fun!"
~Justine Lucas, Producer & Director at Madwoman
A Madwoman shoot day is between 6-8 hours. That applies to either pre-production, on set, or post-production. A typical music video needs at least one day of pre-production (story dev & concept), one or two days of production (film shoots), and then several days of post-production (editing) to create a polished end-product. We value our team and care about having good vibes and a fun experience on set for our crew and for our music artist clients. Our shorter days allow us to offer lower prices to musicians than our competitors and have a more energized creative output.
Below is a list of all of the production services and creative roles that go into making our videos.
by @themadamez
A story about instantaneous inspiration on set with local videographer Kent Kessinger.