☆ Music Videos

☆ Dance Films

☆ Coaching


Film Services

Music Videos

We work with musicians to convey the message of their song in an artistic and moving way.

Dance Films

We capture the movement, feel, and emotional environment of dancers and their work.

Live Performances

We film musicians and bands live while recording professional audio simultaneously.

play your favorite venues

Grow Your Audience

The main difference between you and the famous artists you admire is visibility.
Music Videos and Dance Films enhance your visibility. They help you build a strong online presence, make it easier for fans to find your work, and help you book your favorite venues across the globe. So get visible!

Start Your Project

Go Mad with Madwoman

Tell us about yourself as an artist. What's your artform? What types of media do you need in order to get your artwork out there and grow your audience? What are your strong suits, and what do you need help with? The more you tell us, the more we'll be able to help you figure out what you need to actualize your artistic dreams.
Use this contact form to start your project and get visible!

Email us: madwomanpro@gmail.com

Follow us: @madwomanpro

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