Album Cover Artists & Gallery

In this gallery you will find examples of album covers, album artwork designs, as well as general artworks by each artist.
Chloe Peltier
Chloe's artwork uses juxtaposition and dark rich colors to create an ominous and fantastical environment, like something you'd imagine while reading fantasy fiction or a sci-fi novel.
Justine Lucas
Justine's artwork uses texture and impressionistic muted colors to create a nostalgic quality, like that of a faded photograph or a memory of a fleeting moment in time.
Shani Fable
Shani's artwork uses high contrast and chiaroscuro to create a likeness of a person and capture their essence, like something you'd see on the cover of Rolling Stone.
Amber Grace
Amber's artwork uses soft shapes and vibrant colors to create a playful feeling and reference to the inner child, like something you'd see in a dream or deep in meditation.

Chloe's Gallery

Album Covers

The artwork you see in these album covers is either hand-illustrated or created with multiple layers of photographs and effects in Photoshop.

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Justine's Gallery

Album Covers

The artwork you see in these album covers is either hand-illustrated with color pencils, hand-painted with acrylics and mixed media.

Acrylic & Oil Paintings

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Shani's Gallery

Musician & Dancer Portraits

The artwork you see are printworks of original linocuts. (See linocut process below.)

the Linocut Process

Linocut art is first designed & sketched, then hand-carved out of linoleum using a type of chisel, and finally painted with special printmaking inks and printed on either cold pressed or hand-made paper.

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Amber's Gallery

Album Covers & Paintings

The artwork you see is hand-illustrated or hand-painted with watercolors, ink, and gauche.

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